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How to get to Elba Island

Useful info about ferries and flights to Elba

There are several ways to get to the Island of Elba, you can choose the fastest or the most beautiful, the most comfortable or the cheapest. Here you'll find information on ferries, flights, car rentals!

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  • 1.
    When to go
  • 2.
    The fastest way to arrive in Elba is...
  • 3.
    The most charming way to arrive in Elba is...
  • 4.
    Flying to Elba...

When to go

August is the month in which every Italian people go on vacation, so book your hotel and excursions in advance!

June and July are the best months to get a tan, May and September are cooler months and you will be almost alone with the surrounding nature: magical feeling!


Elba island
Elba island - Credit: Ivo Riccio [Edit: Lara Musa]

The fastest way to arrive in Elba is...

… getting a ferry from Piombino.

There are 4 different shipping lines you can choose from:

  • Moby and Toremar: these two companies joined their forces a few years back in order to improve their offer for Elba residents and tourists. The Moby-branded ships connect Piombino to Portoferraio and Cavo, while Toremar sails from Piombino to Portoferraio, Cavo, and, in addition, Rio Marina. Estimated travel time to reach Elba island are 1 hour for Portoferraio, 30 minutes for Cavo and 45 minutes for Rio Marina.
  • Blu Navy: Blue Navy ships connect Piombino to Portoferraio and usually operates from April to October. Estimated travel time to reach Portoferraio is 1 hour.
  • Corsica Sardinia Ferries: Elba ferries by Corsica Sardinia Ferries operate from June to September, offering up to 13 daily crossings from Piombino to Portoferraio.
Jumping Jack
Jumping Jack - Credit: Stefano Corso

The most charming way to arrive in Elba is...

... booking a tour from a beautiful town like Porto Santo Stefano and make the trip an amazing moment of your vacation.

The Maregiglio shipping company offers one-day long cruises between Porto Santo Stefano, the renowned seaport town in Monte Argentario (a little south of Grosseto), and Porto Azzurro, in Elba island.

Flying to Elba...

Elba has its own airport so you can reach the Island from many different airports in the mainland. Here are the companies offering flights to the island:

  • SilverAir Elba: flights from/to Pisa, Florence, Milan (Linate) and Lugano. Visit the SilverAir Elba website.
  • SkyWork Airlines: flights from/to Bern and Zurich. Here's the link to the official website.

You'll find more information on If you then need a car, visit

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