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10 reenactments in August not to be missed

The most evocative events to go back in time

A step back in time in Tuscany's most beautiful villages: summer is synonymous not only with vacations, but also with historical and medieval reenactments. Here are 10 must-see events to spend a day among period costumes, competitions, flag-wavers, music and historical pageants.

  • 1.
    Medievalis in Pontremoli
  • 2.
    Renaissance Filetto
  • 3.
    Joust of the Saracen in Sarteano
  • 4.
    Emperor’s Palio in Suvereto
  • 5.
    Bravìo delle Botti in Montepulciano
  • 6.
    Palio of San Cassiano in San Casciano dei Bagni
  • 7.
    Gyrfalcon Crossbow in Massa Marittima
  • 8.
    Middle Ages in the village in Roccatederighi
  • 9.
    Volterra AD 1398
  • 10.
    Palio of the Contrade in Piancastagnaio

Medievalis in Pontremoli


On the last weekend of August Medievalis returns, the historical reenactment of the granting of the diploma of Free Commune to the Community of Pontremoli in 1226 by Emperor Frederick II, who called the village the "clavis et ianua" (key and gate) of communications between Lombardy and Tuscany.
To commemorate all this, for four days Pontremoli - in the heart of Lunigiana - returns in medieval clothing: cars banned from the historic alcenter to make way for wayfarers, merchants, carriages and knights. Many will be the people engaged in representing the medieval social classes, and there will also be many events typical of the period such as duels, falconer exhibitions, dinners based on dishes with forgotten flavors, performances with flag-wavers and dances.
Not to be missed is the "Disfida della Cortina di Cazzaguerra" (Challenge of of the Cazzaguerra Cortina): a daily tournament where the three historical factions (Sommoborgo, Immoborgo and Contado) compete to win the coveted Palio!


Renaissance Filetto

Renaissance Filetto
Renaissance Filetto - Credit: Pagina Facebook Filetto Rinascimentale

Still in Lunigiana, in the historic village of Filetto, artists and reenactors from all over Italy bring to life numerous educational activities and performances focused on daily life in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Filetto Rinascimentale (Renaissance Filetto) is a 5-day festival where you can meet fantastic creatures, traveling musicians, dancers, fire shows and much more!


Joust of the Saracen in Sarteano

Joust of the Saracen
Joust of the Saracen

In Sarteano - a delightful village in the Valdichiana - on the day of Ferragosto (August 15), the popular Giostra del Saracino (Joust of the Saracen) is held, an exciting horseback challenge of medieval origin in which the knight gallops his horse against a wooden statue representing precisely the Saracen.
Before the actual race, the Contrade parade in period costumes along with the ox-drawn cart carrying the palio, painted each year by a different artist, which will go into the hands of the winner.


Emperor’s Palio in Suvereto

Emperor’s Palio in Suvereto
Emperor’s Palio in Suvereto

A night race held in Suvereto - a true medieval jewel - in memory of Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg, who died suddenly and mysteriously during a military campaign to bring the Italic lordships into line, and whose remains were preserved, for a period of time, in the very village.
The Palio is contested among teams of "pushers" representing the Suvereto terzieri (contrade) and hamlets, with eliminations and finals, rolling 5-quintal wooden barrels of wine through the cobbled streets of the historic center.

Bravìo delle Botti in Montepulciano

Bravìo delle Botti
Bravìo delle Botti

In Montepulciano, on the last Sunday of August, the rendezvous is with the Bravìo delle Botti, a challenge between the eight Contrade of Montepulciano that compete for a painted cloth by rolling barrels weighing 80 kilograms along an uphill route of 1,800 meters.
The afternoon begins with the parade of the evocative historical procession, composed of more than 300 figures, then, after the signal given by the tolling of the Municipal Bell, the barrels begin to roll on the stone: after a few minutes the "Bravìo" will have its epilogue. History has been repeating itself for over 600 years.


Palio of San Cassiano in San Casciano dei Bagni

The Palio of San Cassiano
The Palio of San Cassiano

Between the famous hot springs and the Tuscan countryside, the Palio of San Cassiano takes place in San Casciano dei Bagni: the village is decorated in Renaissance style with the various figures joining in a historical procession made up of ladies, knights, drummers, guards, judges and banners.
With the lighting of the torches - in the late afternoon - the challenges between the contrade begin: the sack race, the piñata, the ruzzolone and the greasy pole. The contrada with the highest score will start first in the actual race, which consists of pushing a wheelbarrow on which is a frog that must not jump out.


Gyrfalcon Crossbow in Massa Marittima

Balestro del Girifalco
Balestro del Girifalco - Credit: Società dei Terzieri Massetani

One of the best-known medieval reenactments in Tuscany is the Balestro del Girifalco (Crossbow of the Gyrfalcon) held in the beautiful village of Massa Marittima twice a year: in May and August.
A crossbow target shooting competition, according to the rules of ancient war games. Competing for the "palio", the large silk banner hand-painted each year by an artist, are the 3 terzieri - or 3 contrade - of the town.
The race is preceded by a historical procession consisting of more than 150 people dressed in medieval costumes. Along with musicians and ladies, the Company of Flag-wavers of Massa Marittima also parades for a truly incredible show.


Middle Ages in the village in Roccatederighi

Middle Ages in the village
Middle Ages in the village

A few kilometers from Grosseto, in the village of Roccatederighi, for three days a Medieval Festival through the narrow streets and small squares of the historic center.
Reenactments of the burning of witches and falconry performances until late at night.
People can admire ancient crafts, old games and artists and enjoy medieval recipes and drinks from the past.


Volterra AD 1398

Volterra AD 1398
Volterra AD 1398

Volterra goes back in time in August: knights, nobles and ladies, monks, friars, artisans and merchants, peasants, flag-wavers, archers, soldiers, jugglers, musicians and medieval jesters come together to reenact the magical atmosphere of the past.
A unique festival to relive, in one of the most beautiful cities in Tuscany, the magical atmosphere of the year 1398.
For two days the city hosts performances, events, markets, workshops and music.
The only money allowed is the grosso volterrano, copper and gold coins with which you can buy everything, from food to handicrafts.


Palio of the Contrade in Piancastagnaio

Piancastagnaio - Credit: Ambito Turistico Amiata

The Palio of the Contrade of Piancastagnaio - an ancient village on the slopes of Mount Amiata - began back in the 16th century as an event to entertain the lords of the time.
In August, on the occasion of the town's patron saint San Bartolomeo (St. Bartholomew), dances, fairs, parades and competitions are organized to recall the town's ancient splendor.
Drummers and flag-wavers anticipate the actual competition, a bareback horse race in which each of the four contrade tries to win the coveted banner.


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