Paper from Pescia

History and high craftsmanship of handmade paper in Svizzera Pesciatina
A noble and mysterious art is preserved in the historic village of Pescia and in the green hills of Valleriana that surround it, otherwise known as the Svizzera Pesciatina (Swiss Pesciatina). The craft is paper making, an artisanal tradition that most likely has its roots here from medieval times, evidenced by the presence of several factories near the town of Pescia that date back to that period.
Its operation in the 15th-century is certain (1481); in the mid-18th century, Pescia had many more paper mills than Colle Val d’Elsa, which at the time was the leader in terms of production, with Pescia later becoming the most important centre of paper manufacturing in the 19th century.
The flourishing of the paper industry is linked to the natural resources present in the Pescia area. The Pescia stream was of fundamental importance, from which it was possible to exploit the energy of the waters that were channeled in a "gore" system, sophisticated hydraulic engineering that provided the driving force necessary for the factories.
Entire families worked and lived in the paper mills and exclusive societies were formed in order to jealously guard the secrets of production, making the history of paper full of mystery.

The commonly used item, paper, hides a fascinating history that can be discovered thanks to the Pescia Paper Museum, created to pass on knowledge of this centuries-old process and to reveal its techniques, anecdotes and secrets. The museum explores both the material and immaterial know-how, making possible the creation of a company that still produces hand-made paper today, under the historic Enrico Magnani Pescia brand.
Experience a journey through time by visiting the Le Carte paper mill, an important example of industrial archeology in Italy, enriched by a visit to the noted historical archive and taking part in the educational activities. It's a point of reference for scholars from all over the world as well as for those fascinated by the manufacturing art of paper.