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Domus Romana in Lucca

Archaeological sites

The "Casa del fanciullo sul delfino" is an archeological site from the 1st century BCE

The “Casa del fanciullo sul delfino” Domus Romana in Lucca is an archeological site discovered in 2010 in the city centre, and owes its name to the splendid terracotta frieze depicting two "putti" riding dolphins.

Visitors can also see walls and artefacts from the Roman (1st Century BCE), Lombard, medieval and Renaissance eras, with architectural friezes, domestic objects and votive offerings. This single space offers the chance to admire the evolution of building techniques over 2,000 years of history of Lucca.

The exhibition route also visits the palace’s Renaissance cellars, with large brick vaults, atop which the building was built. This is where typical objects of everyday life and some votive pieces were rediscovered, like a sestertius (a Roman coin) issued by Emperor Tiberius in 14 CE and a bronze fibula from the Augustan era. Visitors can also take advantage of a series of educational panels, with floor plans, graphic reconstructions, images of the archaeological excavation and major finds; there is also a 3-D graphic reconstruction of the internal structure of the Roman dwelling.

Domus Romana di Lucca
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