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The Church of San Nicola in Capalbio
Photo © Ambito turistico Maremma Sud
Photo © Ambito turistico Maremma Sud

Church of San Nicola in Capalbio

Places of worship

In the beautiful town of Capalbio stands this small but beautiful pearl of medieval origin

In the delightful historic town center of Capalbio, a village standing on the last Tuscan strip on the border with Lazio, a fascinating place of worship of medieval origin overlooks the square on which stands the Rocca Aldobrandesca, the Church of San Nicola.

It was built between 1100 and 1200 and in the following centuries the Romanesque features were joined by some Gothic elements, later enriched by Renaissance decorations. It underwent many restorations, which, however, did not alter its original features too much.

The facade is simple, above the entrance portal is a Gothic arch, surmounted by a rose window. The walls both outside and inside are plastered, the interior has a single nave divided into spans with five cross vaults, with side chapels housing frescoes of great artistic value from the Sienese or Umbrian-Latium school. Among which, for example, in the first chapel we find Madonna in Trono con Bambino tra i Santi Cristoforo, Lucia, Tarcisio and Giacomo Maggiore (Virgin Mary Enthroned with Child among Saints Cristoforo, Lucia, Tarcisio and Giacomo Maggiore) and in the fourth a fresco depicting San Nicola of Bari and San Lorenzo.