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Jany Mcpherson

Naturalmente Pianoforte


The festival that enlivens the most enchanting places of the Casentino Forest National Park

From July 16 to 21, the Festival Naturalmente Pianoforte (Naturally Piano) will hold dozens of events at every hour in the most enchanting places of the Casentino Forest National Park.

6 overwhelming days punctuated by 170 artists with over 90 concerts (more than 80 of which are free) within the Park and an interaction between nature and music that makes this festival an experience that goes beyond mere artistic representation and creates an intimate and profound connection between inspiration and natural environment.

The Parish Church of Romena will host the sunrise concert by Teho Teardo and the Lectio Magistralis by Stefano Mancuso.
The Poppi Castle will be the backdrop for the concert of Fabrizio Bosso and Julian Oliver Mazzariello, that of Porciano will host Jany McPherson Trio and then Isabella Turso, while at the Sarna Castle will arrive Mark Baldwin Harris
In Bibbiena, in the beautiful Fondazione Baracchi Garden, the tribute to the Queens of music with Andrea Mirò. In the vineyardTerre di Romena’, the concert of Mirco Mariani
And then the squares: in Pratovecchio, Eugenio Finardi in Piazza Jacopo Landino, which then will host also Tosca, while Vincenzo Danise will play in Piazza Paolo Uccello; in Stia, Filippo Graziani will perform in Piazza Tanucci and, in Bibbiena, Piazza Tarlati will host Paolo Jannacci and Frida Bollani Magoni

The Nardi-Berti Garden in Pratovecchio will turn into writers' parterre: 

Several new features in this edition: figurative art with an art residency; the Carovana of Naturalmente Pianoforte; classical music, featuring great pianists and young talent; and literarature presentations.

Among the exhibitions, DisComix, Istante Musicale. Fotografia a sviluppo istantaneo (Musical Instant. Instant development photography) (by Alan Marcheselli, top Italian expert in Polaroid). 

Finally, "I Sapori del Casentino... e del Parco" (The Flavors of Casentino... and Park) in collaboration with Slow Food Condotta Casentino.

See the full program.