Views of upper Versilia

The trail starts from the Medici palace in Seravezza, one of the residences of the UNESCO serial site "Medici Villas and Gardens of Tuscany." We take the scenic road to Azzano - La Cappella and climb on a paved road until we reach the village of Giustagnana (345 meters). Shortly after we find the fork on the right, towards Minazzana. Before that, however, we will make a short detour keeping to the left and following the road that takes us toward the village of Fabbiano, to visit the Chapel of San Martino (452 meters). Erected near the cemetery, in Romanesque style (13th century), it has a fine bell tower probably from before the year 1000 and a fine rose window known as "Michelangelo's Eye." Back down to the previous crossroads, we take the road that climbs toward Minazzana, where we will reach the highest elevation point of the day (470 meters).
The road continues along the coast to Basati, giving first glimpses of the Versilia coast and the Vezza valley and finally the breath-taking views toward the Corchia and Pania della Croce mountains. When you reach the village, we suggest you wander through its narrow streets for a quick visit to its most characteristic corners.
Once we leave Basati we take the road that after a few hairpin bends will we’ll be again at the valley floor of the Giardino ditch and then, in the village of Ruosina, of the Vezza stream. After a few kilometers we’ll be in Seravezza.