Few people know that the Duomo of Prato guards a hidden passageway that allows you to admire an ancient facade today covered by the current one. Through this route you can reach, from the Chapel of the Holy Girdle, the outdoor pulpit by Donatello, from which the ostension of the relic of the Girdle from Our Lady takes place.
For all the month of February, thanks to the initiative “Cattedrale segreta e i capolavori di un Duomo che non ti aspetti” (Secret Cathedral and the masterpieces of a Duomo you don't expect), the Diocese of Prato will give everyone a chance to discover this fascinating environment where history, traditions and legen intertwine, with special tours open to the public.
The route ends at the discovery of masterpieces by Donatello and Filippo Lippi in the Cathedral and in the nearby Cathedral Museum of Prato.