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Isola Santa, the enchanted village in Garfagnana


Excursion in the Apuan Alps Park, to discover an ancient ghost village

The Garfagnana is a narrow valley characterized by the majesty of the Apuan Alps. Isola Santa, a small uninhabited village on the shores of an emerald-colored lake, lies at the foot of this mountain range. This place is famous for its natural beauty, historical significance, and folkloric richness. 

In this excursion, you will have the opportunity to explore the village, uncovering its sad history of forced abandonment and admiring the picturesque lake. You will have the chance to visit the church's interior and stroll among the ruins of the ancient towers and customs house along the shore, where part of the old village is still preserved. The Mosceta mill, the ancient bridge, and some emerging ruins are still visible.

The tour will continue to the source of the Pollaccia, where the Torrite Secca river springs directly from the mountain slopes, offering a breathtaking natural spectacle.


Prices include

Village and Lake guided Tour


Supplemental charges

Transfer to/from the excursion site


Meeting point

Village entrance


  • Departure from the car park and entrance to the ancient village
  • Visit to the village, bell tower and church
  • Walk along the lake to admire part of the sunken village, as far as the Pollaccia spring
  • Return

and no-show policies

To participate in the event, a reservation is required (at least two days before the event date). 

There is no penalty for cancellations made with at least 48 hours' notice. 
Cancellations beyond this limit and no-shows will result in a 100% penalty.

