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Parish church of Saints Ippolito and Cassiano


The church, dedicated to the martyred Saints Ippolito and Cassiano, has existed since 998

This Romanesque style complex, in the municipality of Vernio, most probably dates back to the XII century. However, the structure underwent further interventions during the following centuries: the façade, for example, is of medieval architecture, but a portico supported by XVI-XVII century columns leans against it. The base area of the sturdy bell tower is medieval too.

Inside, the single nave is home to encrusted Baroque altars made from grey sandstone. Above the first altar, on the right, a large table from 1579, bearing the family crest of Cardinal Girolamo dè Bardi, shows the lowering of the cross. This piece is the work of the Florentine artist Giovanni Bizzelli.

The second altar, on the left, dates back to 1632 and houses a Madonna del Rosario, a work of the Florentine school made in the second half of the XVII century.

The vicarage is home to an interesting Adorazione dei Pastori ("The Adoration of the Shepherds") by the Pratese artist Girolamo Ristori that takes its inspiration from Domenico Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi.

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