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San Lorenzo central market
Photo © Fred Romero
Photo © Fred Romero

Top 5 food stops in Florence

How does a foodie view a trip to a new city?

How does a foodie view a trip to a new city? He or she will create an itinerary where before or after the museum, around the corner from his or her hotel, near every single mandatory stop there will be a chance to run off and take a bite of the city! So here are 5 food stops you can't miss in Florence! You will need at least one day to get to them all! The order has been split up from morning (snack- lunch-snack-dinner-after dinner) to late at night. 

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Eventi • 22 risultati
Idee • 178 risultati
Itinerari • 42 risultati
Sapori • 90 risultati
Diari di viaggio • 19 risultati