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Photo © Flavia Cori
Photo © Flavia Cori

50 foods to try in Tuscany

50 local specialties and the best (or most unique) places to find them

Every region in Italy has its own unique cuisine, but Tuscany boasts one of the top spots for favoured cuisine in the world. But even this Central Italian region is subject to a divide when it comes to typical products and dishes. Although traditional dishes can be found throughout the region, there are countless specialties to be found in specific areas or cities. Here are 50 local Tuscan dishes and the best (or most unique) places to find them.

La découverte commence

Les lieux à ne pas manquer, les étapes des itinéraires, les événements et les conseils pour votre voyage
Évènements • 15 résultats
Idées • 66 résultats
Parcours • 27 résultats
Saveurs • 88 résultats
Carnets de voyage • 12 résultats