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A Weekend in Garfagnana

Venture off the typical tourist hotspots in Tuscany and explore the mysterious and verdant area of Garfagnana

From North to South, Tuscany as a region is home to such a wonderful variety of landscapes. One of the most majestic and wild exists up north, is the valley of Garfagnana between the Apuan Alps and the Tosco-Emiliano Apennines, home to two stunning national parks.

This lush territory dubbed “the green island of Tuscany” or by one Italian writer the “Land of wolves and outlaws” is home to the Serchio river and lush verdant landscapes. It remains the perfect place for someone who doesn’t want veer too far from historical art cities such as formidable Lucca, but whom seeks to escape the crowds that fill up Tuscany’s most popular art cities. This is definitely the kind of destination for those who appreciate the outdoors: here you can explore caves, get lost in the mountains, indulge in the local cuisine, visit medieval towns and simply savor the local landscape.

Personally, Garfagnana remains a place where Nico and I go when we need to really breathe, a chance to escape city life and get lost in the charms of a bewitching, mysterious landscape that has served as a siren’s call for many over the centuries. A place that feels frankly stopped in time.