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Journey into Little Jerusalem in Pitigliano

From the synagogue to the ghetto, there are plenty of monuments that remind us of the city’s Jewish heritage

The link between Pitigliano and its Jewish culture is extremely old: the first community to find refuge in this tufa-carved town dates back to the end of the 15th century. This is when the synagogue was built (1598). Unfortunately, the original structure was partly destroyed during the Second World War, but was later expertly restored and can be visited today (except on Saturdays and Jewish holidays).

On the walls, decorated with stuccos and decorations, are numerous commemorative inscriptions in Hebrew. The Tevà is at its centre, while, in the background, you can see the holy ark in wood, the Aròn. On the upper level, behind a richly inlaid balustrade, are the benches of the women's gallery. The upper part of the synagogue is reserved for women.

The Jewish population has always been perfectly integrated in Pitigliano, so much so that the town is nicknamed "Little Jerusalem".

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