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Historical collection of life in Altopascio


The history of Altopascio through ceramics and sculptures

The historical collection of Altopascio is located inside the Loggiato Mediceo, built during the years 1472-75. The loggia, which stands in front of the Pellegrinaio (hospital for pilgrims and the poor) constitutes the architectural emergency exit of piazza Garibaldi, formerly the market square.

The collection documents the history of Altopascio and the surrounding area. Ceramics found during excavations are among the works displayed with many from the Renaissance period. The finds come largely from the activity of the "Italia Nostra" archaeology group. Other materials come from the medieval church, the cloister, and palace.

It first existed as a small collection at the Biblioteca comunale (local library) from the early 1980s. It was then set up as an organic exhibition in 1990 and established as a documentation centre in 1991.

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